The information contained in this material is merely informative, does not constitute and should not be interpreted as a solicitation of purchase or sale, offer or recommendation of any financial asset, investment, suggestion of allocation or adoption of strategies by the recipients. The assets, operations, funds, and/or financial instruments discussed in this email may not be suitable for all investors. The content on the site does not take into consideration the investment objectives, financial situation, or specific needs of any investor. Investors should obtain independent financial advice, based on their personal characteristics, before making an investment decision. To evaluate the performance of an investment fund, it is recommended to analyze at least 12 (twelve) months. Investment funds do not have a guarantee from the administrator, the manager, any insurance mechanism, or the Credit Guarantee Fund – FGC. Investments in the financial and capital markets are subject to risks of loss greater than the total amount of capital invested. Past profitability does not represent a guarantee of future profitability. The profitability disclosed is not net of taxes.